Alabama Slip and Fall Lawyer

Last updated Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

Alabama Slip and Fall Lawyer

Aggressive Representation for Those Injured on Someone Else’s Property

If you have sustained a severe injury after slipping, tripping, and falling on another person’s property, you need strong representation from the Alabama injury attorneys at Mezrano Law Firm. We offer free consultations to discuss your case, and we take cases on contingency, so you do not pay attorney fees until we have recovered compensation for you. Contact our experience slip and fall lawyer today.

What is a Slip and Fall Case?

Property owners owe their visitors a duty of care to keep them safe. When they don’t, they can be held liable for injuries on the premises – hence, why slip and fall cases are considered premises liability claims.

Not every slip and fall involves slipping, however. And in some cases, you may slip or trip and injure yourself without ever actually falling down. In short, a slip/trip and fall is about a person’s injuries because the property was unsafe to walk on, in, or around – and the property owner knew it (or reasonably should have known it).

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Examples of slip and fall accidents caused by negligence

You may be entitled to damages if you slip, trip, and or fall and sustain an injury because of:

  • Icy, wet, or otherwise slippery walkways
  • Loose gravel or stones
  • Broken pavement or paths
  • Defects in rugs (area or full carpet) or their underlying foam layer
  • Passages, hallways, or walkways blocked by furniture (especially common in hospitals and nursing homes)
  • Broken or poor lighting, which does not show any particular dangers where people walk
  • Loose or missing handrails
  • Loose or missing steps

How Common Are Slip and Fall Accidents?

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, falls account for more than 8 million hospital emergency room visits, representing the leading cause of care visits (21.3%). Slip and fall accidents account for more than 1 million visits or 12% of total falls. About 5% of people who fall will suffer a fracture, and “floors and flooring materials contribute directly to more than 2 million fall injuries each year.”

Falls are one of the leading causes of injury and death for people over age 65. If you have a loved one in a nursing home, taking a tour of the facility is essential to see what safety measures are in place.

Did You Know?

Falls were the third-leading cause of death for Alabama workers in 2017. – Bureau of Labor Statistics

Examples of Slip and Fall Injuries

When people get hurt on someone else’s property, they can sustain various types of injuries, including:

  • Head and neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Wrongful death

Those injured in a slip and fall may be able to seek compensation from the property owner. An experienced Alabama slip and fall injury lawyer from Mezrano Law Firm is ready to represent you.

How Can an Alabama Slip and Fall Lawyer Help?

Warning sign for wet floor near the stair

A slip-and-fall lawyer can manage everything for your case. They will prove that the property owner owed you a duty of care, that the defective condition of the property was the direct cause of your injury, you were injured and suffered consequential damages.

An Alabama slip and fall attorney from Mezrano Law Firm will investigate your case, determine who is liable for your injuries, and hold the responsible parties accountable. A slip-and-fall lawyer can help your case by bringing their years of experience handling injury claims for countless other clients before you, knowledge of the law and legal strategies, and familiarity with the civil justice system.

Your lawyer is your advocate when you are in pain, are missing time at work, and facing massive medical bills for an injury that was not your fault. Finally, your lawyer is a tough negotiator who will fight for a fair settlement with the insurance companies while also preparing to litigate if necessary.

We have compassion for our clients while not being afraid to get tough with our adversaries.

What Compensation is Available in a Slip and Fall Injury Claim?

If you prevail in your injury case, there are several types of compensation available, including the following:

  • Medical costs for a hospital stay, doctor visits, physical therapy, and other expenses related to the accident injury treatment
  • Lost wages for the time spent receiving medical care and recuperating from the injury
  • Disability or diminished earning capacity from permanent injuries
  • Pain and suffering from the injury
  • Emotional distress
  • Other losses

What to Do if You Should Have a Slip and Fall Accident

If you slip and fall in a public place, you can be your best advocate by doing the following:

  • Take as many photos as you can at the scene of the incident
  • Report the incident to a manager
  • Take down the names and numbers of witnesses
  • If you need medical attention, get it immediately
  • If you can, see if the problem is addressed right away

Often our investigators will return to the scene with you to recreate the incident. Our team will contact any witnesses and take the case from there. Your next job is to get better. If you need to see a doctor, follow the treatment plan until you are 100 percent healthy.

With more than 40 years of combined legal experience, the Alabama slip and fall injury lawyers at Mezrano Law Firm go above and beyond to represent our clients and fight for the maximum compensation available.

Helping Alabama families move forward after a slip and fall accident.

When you or someone you care about has sustained a severe slip and fall injury because of the negligence of another, you can rely on the trusted Alabama premises liability lawyers at Mezrano Law Firm.


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Contact us today and we will help you get the compensation that you deserve.